The Murders of Joan Gray Rogers and Bernard Ewen (Vermont)
For almost fifty years, the murders of two people in the tiny northern Vermont village of Hardwick have gone unsolved.
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The Murder of Rita St. Peter (Maine)
On the night of July 4, 1980, an evening of celebrations in the rural town of Anson, Maine ended in the murder investigation of a young local mother.
The Suspicious Death of Ashley Turniak (Massachusetts)
16-year-old Ashley Turniak died on the side of the highway in Massachusetts during a busy weekday morning commute.
The Murders of Rhonda & Cor’an Johnson (Connecticut)
When a young mother and her 6-month old son were found dead in their car one September night in 1996, no one could fathom the senselessness of ending two young lives with still so much ahead of them.
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