The Disappearance of William “Billy” Smolinski Jr. (Connecticut)
For over 20 years, the Smolinski Family has been searching for their son and brother, Billy, who one afternoon in August of 2004 asked his neighbor to watch his dog and then was never seen again.
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The Murder of Patricia Scoville (Vermont)
On a crisp fall day in October of 1991, Patricia Scoville set out for a bike ride on the scenic Moss Glen Falls trails in Stowe, Vermont.
The Murder of Roberta “Bobbie” Miller (New Hampshire)
When 54-year old Bobbie Miller and her dog were found dead in their Gilford, New Hampshire home one November afternoon in 2010, it didn’t take long for the public to point the finger at her former husband.
The Disappearance of John Lango (Pennsylvania)
On January 1, 1988, 17-year-old John Lango walked out the front door of his home in Pottsville, Pennsylvania never to return.
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