The Disappearance of Celeste Doghmi (Maine)
It wasn’t unusual for Celeste Doghmi to go long stretches of time without talking to her friends and family.
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The Murder of Theresa “Terry” Duran (Maine)
40 years have passed since 14-year old Terry Duran left her home in Gorham, Maine for some fun on one of the last weekends of summer before she started high school.
The Murder of Natalie Scheublin (Massachusetts)
Investigators who first worked the 1971 homicide case of Natalie Scheublin in Bedford, Massachusetts considered every possible theory for her death – kidnapping for ransom, burglary gone wrong, a random attack in an otherwise quiet community – and yet nothing led police to the truth.
The Murders of Cynthia Kane-Clark & Dawn Shippee (Rhode Island)
When friends Cynthia Kane-Clark and Dawn Shippee both turned up the victims of homicide, one after the other, in the same two month span, investigators were faced with a complex investigation.
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