The Murder of Richard S. Bellittieri (Maine)

It was clear that the man stumbling out the front door of the bar wasn’t fit to operate a motor vehicle. It was also clear to the bar’s owners that they had to do something about it before the man hurt himself or anyone else, so they called the Bar Harbor police.

When officers caught up to the man after a speedy pursuit, he identified himself as Bill Tool. Police searched the sporty blue Audi A6, but Bill Tool wasn’t the name on the registration. Instead, the name on that document, as well as the name on a social security card, license, and bank cards found inside the car, belonged to another person entirely. Who was Richard Bellittieri?

Police arrested the man for Operating Under the Influence, but they didn’t know at the time that the arrest of an intoxicated driver would lead to a bizarre case of greed-fueled murder.

This is Richard S. Bellittieri: Stolen Identity, Stolen Life on Dark Downeast. Listen to the full case via the player below or on your favorite podcast app.