The Murder of Robert Joyal Part 2 (Maine)

His fresh start was cut short. Robert Joyal’s life ended in the middle of a chaotic scene. Though dozens of witnesses stood watching, some even participating in the violence that April night in 1998, Rob’s case remains unsolved. His family is still waiting. 

Unreliable witnesses, changing stories, apparent new evidence — Robert Joyal’s case seemed plagued with challenges and missteps from the start. They had a suspect and charges filed, but the case wouldn’t be that cut and dry. In part 2, Marc Joyal-Myers describes the frustrations of the narrowly focused investigation and what he’s doing to support not only his own family, but also others who may fall into the same cracks of unsolved homicides and missing persons cases in Maine.

Anyone with information is asked to please contact the Portland Maine Police Detective Jeff Tulley at (207) 874-8550 or the anonymous tip line at (207) 874-8584.


1. Download and share Robert Joyal’s information poster and share on social media.

2. Like and follow the Robert Joyal: Unsolved Murder in Maine Facebook Page.

3. Sign the petition for Marsy’s Law in Maine.

4. Listen to Robert Joyal’s story on Dark Downeast.

Episode Source Material

Thank you, Marc, for sharing your memories with us.